Ah, the first post of the month. Since school has started, I realize that I have too many hobbies. I’m doing the yoga, the zumba, the hoola, the guitar, the raw vegan eight week experiment, reading about food, creating recipes. It is too much, and my grades are starting to be affected. So, I have to let something go. Besides school, I am doing classroom observations (I’ll tell you about that--I met a vegan at the community college), which is at 8am. So, until I l get my hours done and feel confident in my reading, I have to change my extracurricular activities, so I am keeping the hoola and switching to salsa (that class starts at night). I will exercise a minimum of five days a week. I will do yoga on my own in the morning. I feel good.
But the real problem is the television. I am addicted to the noise. I cannot do my work at home—need to find a place near my home that I can go to, sit, and do my work for like five hours without getting kicked out. There is the bibliotheque, but the one downtown is not a place I feel safe at in the dark. So, I think I’ll try the one near the malls.
Pissed about my GradeI guess I am upset because I got a check for my grade, and not a check+. Why the hell grade with these symbols when there is a legend at the bottom of the page that tells what each check symbol means? Why not give the letter grade? I knew it was going to suck because of the quote the instructor wants us to begin our reading responses with. I hate that! I really, really, hate starting my text with someone else’s words. Plus, I take notes for response. I have to cook for a while before I formulate my response.
I tried to talk to the instructor then she asked if I wanted to talk about it right then. I was not about to talk about my personal private stuff in a public forum (my classmates are still in the fucking room). Remember, English students are always trying to prove how smart they are—competitive. I have to find a new place to sit in class because I cannot concentrate. Most of the time, I don’t pay attention anyway. I just nod my head, and act like I am paying attention.
Now that I have whined about it, and made my excuses, I can get on with it.
Delta Community College
Yesterday, while I was walking at a rapid pace to make it the class I am observing on time. I saw this kid ( late teens) standing in the pouring rain with a stack of booklets that he was handing out. Something inside of me said, “Oh, look there is a vegan” then another part said, “No way,
here, in meat central, he’s probably handing out some type of Christian literature.” So, I decided to give him a polite, but firm “No” if he spoke to me, or tried to give me one of his booklets. My defenses were up; I walked by, and he tried to hand me something. I said, “No thank you” and start to speed-up my walking pace.
Then as I was almost away from him, he said in the gentlest voice, “It’s for the animals.”
I stopped in my tracks, turned around, and said “It’s for the animals?”
I saw his face light up and he smiled brightly, “Yes.” I walked back to him, and took one of his booklets. He was with Vegan Action, spreading the word about the oppression and the violence farm animals endure, and the reasoning behind a vegan diet. My instincts told me this guys was a vegan. Another lesson on when I should listen to my little voice.