Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Guilt and Jicama Salad

Every time I post; I feel guilty because I should be reading and working on my project for school. I made this refreshing jicama salad with corn, red bell pepper, and dill. It was fabulous.

When I first saw jicama, I thought it was a potato, but it is not a potato; it is more like apple.

Jicama's rough skin is not very appealing, but you have to peel or slice that away to reveal a delicious white flesh that has a slightly sweet taste with a texture similar to that of an apple. Jicama is great for raw dishes--Give it a try!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tapenade Tacos

Corn tortillas are some of my favorite things to eat because they do not make me constipated. I know too much information. When I eat bread or pasta, I know that it will be a while before I go. So, I limit my intake of such foods, but I still want a bit of bread to go with my meals. I still want a sandwich that is why I use the corn tortillas. Basically, you can put anything you want inside a tortilla. I've put avocado and olive tapenade in my tortillas. Yes, it is a lot of fat, but it is good fat, and these are a decadent little treat. Just because I'm vegan does not mean I cannot have decadent foods--it's just that these tacos are good for my body too.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

White Beans and Potates

I was tired of pinto beans and black beans and decided to do something different. White beans with potatoes--just like other dried beans I soaked them over night. Use kombu to flavor the bean water then I took the kombu out and added my seaonsings and tomato paste. Twenty minutes before the benas are dome I add the potatoes. Ummm..good.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The last few days I have been worried about my eyes. I think I am losing more of my vision in my left eye, but I don’t know for sure because I’m not a doctor. Usually, I try to ignore the blind spot, but it is bothering me more. The eye drops are not working, the crescent image or the part of my nerve that is dead is like a crescent shape seems to be extending, but I am prone to hypochondria.

I need to get a job with some health insurance, so I can see the specialist again. It is just so invasive and uncomfortable to be aware of someone touching my eye balls. I absolutely hate it that is why I like the holistic approach to healthcare. But, I think I am too old, and too lazy to learn brail, so I put the drops in.

Magnesium and vitamin C are really good for helping with the intraocular pressure. Lutein is a phytonutrient that protects the interior of the eye. Foods good for glaucoma suffers: avocados, Kale, spinach, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, tomatoes, tofu, pumpkin seeds, lemons, mangos, bell peppers, carrots, parsley, broccoli, radishes, and Brazil nuts—this is a short list of course there are many more foods.

My glaucoma is one of the reasons I began vegan because from my research it appears a diet high in fruits and vegetables helps protect the eyes from my of the macular degenerative diseases that affect humans.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ramen Noodles

I made some ramen noodles this morning. I am talking about the ramen noddles that cost 25 cents, or 5 for a dollar. It doesn't matter the flavor of ramen noodles because I throw the seasoning packet away--the season packet is not vegan it contains animal product.

I wanted something warm this morning. First I thought about having miso soup, but I didn't feel like opening a package of tofu. Then it hit me--why not make the miso soup with ramen noodles. Genuis!

I mix yellow miso paste with water, add splash of tamari and mushrooms. When it comes to almost a boil, I turn the fire off. Then I add ramen noodles, spinach, and scallions (green onions), and cover. Let the soup sit until noodles soften.

I ate this soup up. It was so good, and vegan. Sometimes, it is necessary to rethink breakfast.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God Helmet

I watched this show, Morgan Freeman's Through the Wormhole, clickon the link to wach the segment. I want to call it a documentary, but the show was too hypothetical to be called a documentary. The theme of the episode of Freeman’s show is “The God Experience;” I liked it. I wanted to share what I saw.

One of the show’s segments was “The God Helmet;” a helmet that simulates the religious experience of connectedness to God. When people wear this helmet certain areas of the brain are stimulated with magnets. People report the presence of someone or something. They have vivid and thunderous experiences. The scientist, whose name escapes me (I’m too lazy to look it up), states that if a human has such an experience while in church, or while meditating, it can be a profoundly life altering experience.

Why do we need God? According to the show, because we (humans) have anxiety because we are aware of death. We can forecast our deaths. We know that eventually we too must past. This awareness cause great anxiety in humans; it causes us to seek a connection to infinity, something that is without end for beginning. If we can connect to infinity, we do not die. People seek the connection to infinity through prayer, control of the mind/body, through drug & alcohol.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Juice for Breakfast

Today, I feel really grateful for my life, and for my family. I started the day off feeling sleepy like I did not want to go to the gym. But, I got my butt out of the bed, put on my work out clothes and went to yoga. I was late, but at least I made it.

While I was doing the poses and focusing on my breath. I thought about the earth. I saw her in space with the light of the sun giving her energy. I saw the earth spinning in space and yet still. I saw her blue oceans, white clouds, brown earth, and green plants. I saw the earth connect to all the other planets and stars in a mess. Everything moving in concentric circles in time. I saw myself surrounded by people. I saw a thread connecting me, or rather a web connecting me, to everyone in the class, then to everyone outside of the class, then to everyone in the street, then to all the people and animals and plants living and spinning on earth. I am grateful I am alive.

With that being said, I made a green juice for breakfast. This juice contains: carrots, celery, jalapeno pepper, apple, ginger, lemon, parsley, and spinach. Give it a try. Juicing is a great way to feed yourself at the cellular level. Peace

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I made pancakes for my brother this morning. Instead of using eggs and milk, I used one ripe banana and vanilla soy milk to make the batter. He loved them so much that he did not save any. so, if you make these pancakes makes sure to hide a couple for yourself.

Sakura - Japanese Store

"Hey Nicole where do you get the stuff you put in your sushi maki rolls, and miso soup?"

At Sakura: Japanese Groceries & Gifts 4343 Pacific Ave. #A4, Stockton, CA 95207, (209) 477-3939.

I like this store because when I first went vegan, the people here helped me get the ingredients I needed to make dishes without animal products. I got my first tubs of miso paste here, and my first packages of seaweed. I learned about making soup. Sakura staff is knowledgeable and friendly. I recommend this place.

I went to the Japanese Store yesterday to get a few. I found vegetarian oyster sauce. I stood in the aisle just looking at the bottle in disbelief for 3 or 4 minutes.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I am reminded why I am vegan

Today, someone told a story about a dog. How he had a terrible day and when he came home his dog was happy to see him. This story sounds lame; who cares about a dog? That is exactly the point. Animals feel like we do. They love like we do. They hurt like we do. They feel pain like we do.

I saw images of people hurting animals. They were chained. Animals were being clubbed, beating, stabbed, killed. I started to cry.

Now, I get to the point of this post. The other day, I was actually salivating over the flesh of a cow. But, the flesh was disguised: it was cooked; it did not have blood on; it was perfumed with herbs and spices to hide its rancid smell. I wanted to eat pastrami and corn beef till I couldn’t stop my mouth watering. In my mind’s eye, I saw myself driving in my car to the deli to order a sandwich filled with cow. I actually got my car keys and my purse. It took all my restraint not to eat meat the other day. I thought to myself, “This vegan thing is stupid. People all the time start eating meat after being vegetarian and vegan. You can eat meat Nicole.”

Something stopped me—it was this thought—nonviolence. I kept thinking nonviolence--AHIMSA.

Now, today I hear that story about the dog, the feelings of animals, their oppression, and I know why I did not eat meat. Because I resisted the meat an animal’s life was saved.
I’ve got to do more yoga. I’m starting to lose it. Check out this link.

Thoughts on Gluten

Up this morning with the eyes of three hungry cats staring at me. Yesterday was really productive. I signed up for some food blogs and communities. I realize that I have to get the word out about my eatingvegan thing. I must participate, and writing on these blogs makes me write. I have not been dedicated to my vegan project as I promised I would be at the beginning of summer.
What have I done the last three weeks? Not much.
I woke up thinking about gluten intolerance. I have not been tested, so I don’t know if I have such an allergy, but I do know that when I eat any type of pasta or bread product I tend to be constipated later. I often have to eat copious amounts of vegetables with the pasta or bread. I have not eliminated wheat products from my diet; I just eat them in moderation.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Berry Medley

Not only was I craving meat today, but I also wanted some candy. I saw a bag of snickers and jolly ranchers in my brother's room. I admit that I opened the bag, and I sniffed the candy. It smelled so good--sweet and chocolaty. I put the bag of candy away, and made myself a bowl of berries. The berries satisfied my sweet tooth and filled me up. Pictured to the right are blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

Drooling for Meat

While I was watching Man vs. Food, I started drooling over the pastrami and corn beef sandwiches from Katz Deli in NY. It has been almost two years since I ate meat.

I have convinced myself that I am a committed (yeah, commit me) to the vegan lifestyle. Today, I had to be strong. I kept seeing myself at my favorite deli in downtown Stockton ordering a hot pastrami sandwich.

I couldn't believe that my mouth was actually watering. I was salivating looking at the crusty, pink meat nestled between two pieces of white bread. I had to eat something, so I had some fried rice that I made earlier with veggie dogs.

The fried rice is pictured in the photo above. The ingredients are yellow squash, veggie dogs, mushrooms, parsley, red onion, green onion, garlic, olive oil, soy sauce. It was pretty good and satisfied my desire for meat.

The hardest animal products that were hard for me to give up are cheese and sea food. Even when I ate meat, I did not have beef often. The pastrami/corn beef combo looked so good, especially when that dude, Adam Richman, was chewing down on it. I love to watch all the food shows, but the Man vs. Food is too much for me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time for Hoola

I decide that today I've got to get to work. I don't want the summer to pass me by and I haven't done anything for my health. So this morning I am going to Hoola at the gym. You'd think that shaking your legs and hips is not an exercise. Listen my friends, Hoola is a workout that will you leave you drenched (in sweat).
So far on my plan to exercise two hours everyday, I have not made progress, but I am getting there. I'm doing six days a week for one hour a day.
After the gym, I will make a nice green juice and put my farmer's market video together.